That's not flying!
As Woody, that lovable, caring hero in Toy Story says to Buzz LightYear after Buzz 'proves' he can fly:
"That's not flying that's . . . that's . . .
. . . . falling with style!"
It is perhaps easy to forget that that is what we really do, fall. Gliding instructors the world over are taught to say 'descend' rather than fall, especially for Air Experience flights. Nice potilitically correct way of putting it. Almost makes you think we should be wearing suits, or having a shower before we fly. Oh, and it avoids that behavioural state in students where the mind has the luxury of observing, and perhaps even conducting a review of one's more memorable experiences, without the effort of having to control ones bodily functions - panic.
Of course other sports are not so nancy-pantsy about it. They're proper Yorkshire about it and call a spade a spade. In fact they even try to talk it up. Skydivers call it free fall. It is anything but free, of course, as you find out when trying to 'manouver' in the vertical dimension or collecting your post at the end of the month.
Even 'gliding' is a bit of euphamism. It sets one to thinking of Fred and Ginger doing what few can do on a polished hardwood floor. Long gowns billow gently in the breeze while light airs tinkle softly in the background. Effortless grace. Not the sweatty, overheated, clastrophic, panic-filled cockpit as you find yourself 300ft over the valley floor on hot day with no landable field in sight!
And so ends another soarable but not very cross countryable weekend. At least the students took advantage of it! Some of them, hopefully, learning the art of
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