Monday, September 17, 2007

The tractor get teeth, but it's not the key!

Saturday saw the first 8 of 26 pre-course training flights, in a windy and chilly north wester, completed in Motor Falke. These flights are pre-requisites for the 3 day CGC winching course which starts this Friday evening. Andre Leeb-du Toit and Boet Coetsee shared the task of instructing and pupil feedback was excellent. Thanks must also go to Alison, Ed and Peter for helping to make pupils feel at home (spotted wondering around aimlessly at CGC!)

Andre spotted a broken spring on the Motor Falke apron and Johnny ascertained that it was from the MF’s exhaust. Johnny replaced it and the training was able to continue without delay. Well done Andre for being attentive and thank-you Johnny for your efforts.

Rob Tiffin, Reinhold and Trevor did their annual check flight where Mike gave a hand and Dietmar did a proper timekeeping job. Sven was seen under the dark clouds trying to get away however he just managed one hour. Alan O’Regan took over from Jesse Roos as co-duty pilot, too, but declined an invitation to fly. Dietmar was fortunate to have a last flight of the day in GOK.

On Sunday one would expect a sunny, nice post frontal day however another front was looming on the other side of the du Toitskloofberge and the weather was similar to Saturday.

Kevin was on his own as duty pilot as his co-duty pilot, Hans Pruter had resigned recently. Marion kindly assited Kevin. The Motor Glider training proceeded with Martin Grünert and Andre Leeb-du Toit doing instruction. It got off to a late start, but thanks to Andre and Martin’s perseverance, the 8 flights were completed by 6pm. Again, pupil feedback awarded top marks! Nina Grünert was doing the tugging in MIV and Fred Vernimmen was instructing for the club. They took a young family member of Marion’s for an AEF in GOK. Fred also managed to take one of the course pupils for a additional training flight in GOK. Cornelius, Ian and Kevin checked their planes and the weather. They stayed up for around one hour each.

Great news is that Johnny got his bush cutter working. Mounted on our tractor it can cut the grass on the edges of the runway and maybe around the hangars. The municipality is supposed to do the runways however this was and will never be a success. If one gets them they work for one hour and then return for some odd reason and don’t come back.
Sad news is that somebody took the ignition key of the tractor without informing Ed or Rob. Now the tractor is standing outside (in the rain) and idle.



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