Monday, August 08, 2005

Weekend Report: Wave Blow


Most of you must have read Adriaans report of the weekend, and that Saturday was blown out from 14h30. Unfortunately some students were unable to enjoy the superb wave that formed later. Bad luck Wikus and Kelvin! Thanks to all the members who helped put the gliders away in the terrible wind.

Kevin Mitchell and Paul Troskie had great wave flights and were later joined by Bill Griffiths, Adriaan Hepburn, Trevor Johnson, GOK with paxes and GHB with some lucky students. Tug pilot Aubrey handled the winds with MIV like an old hand, but we had to call it a day when the wind started gusting 70kph. Thanks to Jerry who braved the cold wind and helped get more than his fair share of gliders off the runway.

Craig and Jeanette did a splendid job of organising the Saturday Social in the evening.

During the night I thought that we were going to lose our roof, but bt Sunday morning the wind had dropped dramatically. However, an hour or two later it picked up again and rain set in at about 11h00. When we left the airfield this (Monday) morning at 5h30, it was still raining and the airfield was waterlogged, though the wind had dropped substantially.


Thanks must go to Trevor Johnson and Dave Starke who were servicing the winch engine.


Tuesday is a rostered flying day and the front will most probably have moved through by then. If anyone wishes to fly on Tuesday and doesn’t know what the weather is doing at Worcester in the morning, you are most welcome to phone me on my cell phone before driving out. Hope to see you there on Tuesday!



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